I was like, “Hey!”, and your dad was all...
like friends with everyone
all the time. - Oh, my God.
your dad maybe didn't like me,
I was going to lose my mind
because I was like, What did I do?
I'm too young to realize, Oh, it's
because I have a different dad.
I wasn't putting those pieces together.
You’re literally physical evidence
that this did not work. - Yeah, right.
Like that’s so... - That's sucks.
Like that was his judgment,
What experience has shaped our connection
There's so many... there’s just hard
What experience has shaped...
the experience of growing up together,
Just that whole experience.
Yeah. - Because you were what?
Were you... eight? - When...
When I started living with Dad.
yeah, I was eight. - That’s little.
And then, like, I always knew
you were my sister, it was almost like
letting me reach out. - Right.
it just took aging for us
to be able to get to this point
actually talk about these things.
What is your biggest fear
I don't think we will move
And it's sad because, you know,
we had hope for that, especially ____.
But it's like, when you see
this didn't start with us.
and we got dragged into it
we still keep getting dragged into it,
it is still keeps being brought up.
and I didn't think this would fix anything
but it was a hope at least.
Like you guys will see the bigger picture
because this has affected everybody.
completely separate from the situation,
but you're still dragged in.
And it's like, Come on, you all, this isn't fair.
as I could do for myself,
as much more of as Kamirah does on herself.
I don't know if that's enough to fix
what's happening in our family, like...
the goal is not to fix it because
to put the pieces back together
and sometimes I wonder if I have
feelings of hope for nothing, like
if I should just give up on it.
Even though people are like,
keep hope, keep faith, all that.
But I'm like, we have been
And— - And it keeps happening.
It’s like it doesn’t stop.
and then we can apologize
No one apologizes for anything.
No one thinks they're doing
anything wrong. - Or even if they do,
because Dad apologized to me
for feeling like he failed.
Mom did too, which was very shocking.
how do... you got to change,
because now that we've acknowledged this,
how are we going to implement it
in the future of our relationship?
And they're getting older,
That's what's scary about it.
I’m like, I don't want them to get old
I hate how much hate there is,
basically, in our circle.
it's not good for your body,
I feel like there's a lot.
that's like a really loaded question,
because there's a lot that I would say.
Yeah, it's like my biggest one.
we didn't have to grow up
Even that, right? Because
Their parents would show up like,
Hey, it’s cool, you know, ____. - I was going to say
I wish we didn't grow up in a broken home
We couldn't even come together
It’s just like, Ugh, you again?
Right. - Omg, I’m so sick of it.
sitting over there in the stands
while you sit on the other side, like.
and don't make eye contact. - Right.
To act like we don't see.
it's really not that deep.
What's something you've always
wanted to tell me but haven’t yet?
I don't know if I've had anything
that I've always wanted to tell you
because I tell you everything.
So there's nothing I've really
I'm trying to think if there's anything
Sometimes I feel like I failed
in being the oldest sibling,
but I have to catch myself
I couldn't control things that happened.
But there's not a whole that I could do
which is still something.
stuff happened either, you know?
because in this particular situation,
you didn't ask to be gone.
Like, again, our decision making.
Our choices are always made for us.
So I don't blame you, at least.
I never looked at the situation
I always looked at it as,
people are keeping me away from her
and I don't understand it
I always missed you, though.
Your room was still upstairs.
____ , he would still sleep
And I'd be like, She's not even here
So rubbing it in ____ ‘s face.
I've always wanted to tell you is that,
You're actually doing amazing.
You deserve to hear that.
and am I giving it to you?
I think more than anything,
I realized I just need, like,
And I've been actually utilizing it,
might be getting the best of me
instead of just sitting there
and doing nothing about it
and just letting it happen.
It's like part of me now.
I'm like, I have to call Kamirah
‘cause I'm not going to let myself
or I'm going to call somebody, now.
and offering your support
and always showing up for me, like
you’ve always showed up for me, Kamirah.
Like, I don't think you understand that.
something bad happened - I’m trying to think about it...
and I don't know how to take care of it.
You're like, Oh, I've been through this.
I have a friend who can help you too.
And I’m willing to drive down there.
I was like, Are you serious?
there's no way she should
And I was like, This is ridiculous, like.
And I, honestly, in that moment,
I didn't think I had anybody else
that would have done that for me.
Like, so, you are exactly what I need
I don't have the moisture to shed any tears.
I was like, what was then?
I was going to say I don't need anything from you.
You're doing, you're doing a good job.
Plus you're young, so it's not like I'm
I'm not leaning completely on you
because you're still young.
And sometimes I feel like
the exact same thing that you offer me.
Why don't you lean on me?
Like, I want you to lean on me.
you're young and you should enjoy that.
Sometimes, I just don't know,
I just feel like what I go
through is just too much.
I do the same thing with ____ .
Don't want to be a burden emotionally
to feel that way, especially now,
I'm praying that your parents
Because, like, it seems like
they have no peace with you.
a deep ass old dude, aren't you?
Like, what are you talking about?
Where did you get that from? - I’m like
Where did you hear that? - day and night I’m going to sit and think.
I don't lean on you as hard.
and then process the rest
by my lonely. - That’s fair.
I mean, I trust your judgment
‘Cause you've been doing the work.
you know, you always have me
Call me, baby, if you want to reach me.
If I had to put an image to it...
You know how little kids just kind of
That’s kind of what it feels like.
It's like, you're just along for the ride
It's like, all right, okay.
because that it’s accurate.
You're the youngest child,
That’s what it feels like.
like a mother's hug to me.
Are you calling me a mom?
Yeah. - Well, technically,
you're very matronly, you know?
Thanks so much for watching.
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