Every relationship is different, but they all share one thing: A need for fresh connection. Whether together and thriving or navigating a rough patch, {THE AND} is meant to reconnect and rediscover each other, in a raw and authentic way. Go deeper and grow closer in your relationship. Discover new depths to your connection.

The Skin Deep Story

We are a small team working around the world to bring our exciting projects to life as we explore, illuminate, and amplify the rich spectrum of humanity through our immersive experiences.

We are an Emmy award-winning creative studio dedicated to exploring human connection in the digital age.

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We place 3% of our net profits into a donation pool.

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Our Values

The work we present has a level of integrity. It's not built for virality, but to offer value - both now and for the long-term. We could easily create content that's more watchable and shareable by making it more contentious, shorter, or salacious, but we check ourselves against the integrity of the project as a whole.